We made it! Our 600 mile odyssey is a success. It is hard to describe the beauty we have seen throughout the southern part of Utah. Even though we have been traveling on roads we've still managed to feel the solace of open spaces. We traveled through the last mapped place in the west when we came through the Grand Staircase Escalante. The land is raw, dramatic and majestic. It was a highlight for Mom and Dad to get to Zion National Park especially by bicycle. We've had some crazy weather here with thunderstorms and hail but it has only made everything even more awe inspiring. We rode through the canyon today and it felt as if the whole place belonged only to us. Cars are not permitted and only shuttle buses use the road, it is easy to find yourself alone here. Back at the visitor center I stole the show as people asked about our trip and took pictures of me. We have one more day of riding only to pick up our rental car. I'll be sad to put a close to this adventure but things went great for us so I'm assured there will be more trips in my future. I'm sure glad I displayed good tent manners because I love camping and bike touring!
One trade off for all of this big, wide open beauty is not having big city conveniences. Mom and Dad have had to piece together meals from gas stations and small markets. These last few days have been exciting in the food choice arena. We met Randy, an organic farmer in Cainville. I got to run around with Zeke, the farm dog and attempt to herd goats. We got fresh baked bread and goat cheese. It's too early for veggies as last night's low was 18. In Torrey Utah Mom and Dad celebrated their anniversary with a gourmet dinner complete with a bottle of wine and dessert. Cafe Diablo is an oasis in a food desert. Our route has been fantastic. Many people have stopped to ask about our trip and to take pictures of me in the trailer. We climb up to 9600 ft today. I hope we will all stay warm enough. I may have to get out and push!
- R Dog