We are so lucky to be part of such a great community. Last night we went to a local foods party. The food was to come from less than 250 miles away and in reality most of it came from backyards and wild foraged from the desert that surrounds us. Spring is a beautiful time here and that beauty was reflected in the gorgeous meal that was spread out before us. Cactus, which has been historically depicted to represent desolation and danger was highlighted in many of the creative and delicious dishes. We were treated to barrel cactus fruit compote, ocotillo tea, nopales (prickly pear pads), cholla bud salad, prickly pear lemonade and saguaro fruit pie with mesquite crust. (Pieparty.org). It was exciting to see how many options we have for truly local foods. So what will we be able to forage while we are on the trail? If this party is any indication then we should be able to make use of some of the cactus that awaits us in Southern California. I'm hoping to add some fresh greens to our meals. We should be able to forage some dandelion greens, dock and miner's lettuce. In the past I have harvested wild onions in the Sierra Nevada which is an amazing addition to any meal. Wild raspberries are always cause to slow down and do some harvesting! So here's to hoping for some fresh wild foods to complement our dried dinners. Bon apetit.
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