Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More from Cactus Ed

"I'm sure you'd do just as much good by supporting the Wilderness Society or Defenders of Wildlife or the National Audubon Society as you could by crawling around at night under bulldozers, draining crankcases. Of course, from my experience, it's nowhere near as much fun."

"My 'monkeywrenchers' were saboteurs, not terrorists. Sabotage is violence against inanimate objects: machinery and property. Terrorism is violence against human beings. I am definitely opposed to terrorism, whether practiced by the military and state - as it usually is - or by what we might call 'unlicensed individuals.'"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baja Roadtrip 2010

This year we made it as far south as Bahia Concepcion which is quite a bit farther south than we made it last year. We drove a total of 2100 miles which produced 1.37 TONS of CO2. Is it getting hot in here?

Back from Baja

Hello all! We are back from our three-week Baja roadtrip. Such a great time and so many stories to share. For this trip I decided to shoot video instead of still photos but Lori picked up my slack and took these shots of pro surfer Taylor Knox tearing it up during a winter swell at Santa Rosalillita. We also got to hang out with nine-time World Champion Kelly Slater. Right place at the right time!

Stay tuned for more stories and videos coming soon.